Working in Magaluf is not for everyone, why?

Work in Magaluf is the subject of today’s interview! I met Justyna through Instagram. As with many Poles who live on the island. However, blogging pays off because interesting people are coming your way! Justyna is a young girl (younger than me, that’s why I put it this way), who decided to change something and went to work in Majorca. The decision was very spontaneous. Was Justyna successful? Read the interview and find out!

Working in Magaluf will be perfect if you are a young adventurer!

This interview will be perfect for people planning to move to Majorca. Many young people are looking for a job just around the capital. Palma, Magaluf or El Arenal is usually the goal. It’s easiest to get a job in those regions. And Justyna knows a lot about it! Let’s get to the interview.

1. What is your name, how old are you and where are you from?

My name is Justyna, I’m 23 years old and I came to Majorca from Wroclaw.

2. What do you currently do? What are your hobbies?

I am currently working on developing my own business, which is also my hobby, but I do not want to reveal any more.

3. Where do you live in Majorca and since when?

I came to Majorca in April 2019, although it was not my first time on this island. Earlier I was here several times as part of the rest. I currently live in Palma.

4. Why did you choose Majorca for the move? How did you come to that?

I came up with this idea for the first time after reading some sponsored article on Facebook, whose title was more or less “How my life changed after arriving in Majorca.” And since then I’ve only been deepening this knowledge. As it turned out, it was not at all impossible as it seems at first glance.

5. How did you plan your trip to Majorca? When did you start worrying about your NIE number, your job, your apartment?

My decision was very spontaneous, watching how I changed my life. I had a nice job, I made a lot of money, I traveled a lot and generally I didn’t worry much. I approached moving out in the same way, because the final decision and organization of the trip lasted less than a month. Over time, I know that some things I could do better or just take care of them faster. As in the case of the NIE number, which I started after finding a job, which in most places they do not look favorably. Well, unfortunately, I had to pay more for my mistake in euros.

6. Were you scared before leaving? Did you go completely alone or to someone?

I can’t say I was scared. I knew the place I’m going to. Went with friends, but they did not go to work, but on vacation.

7. What were your feelings before moving? What were your plans?

I was excited, I like new things, I like heat and palm trees. I felt I was going to a better place. At the time, my plan was mainly to train my English. Arriving, I considered various works. I have been working in premises for 5 years with larger or smaller breaks, so I could not imagine changing the industry in a foreign country.

8. What were your perceptions about Majorca?

My ideas were not very different from reality. Maybe I thought I would have more time for myself in the season. Unfortunately, if you work at Magaluf and don’t have a party lifestyle, you become a less active person than usual.

9. Work in Magaluf – how did you find a job? It was hard?

At Magaluf, finding a job at the beginning of the season is about going down the main street and talking to managers / premises owners. I guarantee that if you can introduce yourself in English and understand “vodka cola”, the next day you have your first day at work.

10. Work in Magaluf – how did you find and rent the flat?

As I mentioned, I did not come alone so at the beginning I stayed with friends, although if you are coming strictly for the season, you must first think about the apartment. At Magaluf, people rent a room or a place in a room for a lot of money, and they quickly run away to this apartment! On FB there is a group dedicated to Magaluf Workers where people share job and housing offers before the season.

We are in February and the search is starting there!

If you come alone and you don’t know anyone, you have to make use of online job offers – apparently there are also employment agencies that help Poles in finding work and housing for the start – I don’t know, I didn’t know. However, when you are there and you have a job very often, the employer helps you to get somewhere. The owners of the premises either own an apartment in Magaluf, which they rent to their employees, or they can recommend you a place or another owner with available rooms. Group Link:

11. Work in Magaluf – have you been working in the same place all the time or have you changed your job?

Magaluf is specific as well as the people working there. My first job was one of the better known places, although I didn’t like the atmosphere there. I changed my job after 2 months to the best place in the world! I already miss all the service, I hope to see you soon.

12. Work in Magaluf – did you have a crisis while in Majorca? Have you thought about coming back to Poland?

Yes, I had one serious and several small ones, haha! Unfortunately, personality crises are part of my character, haha (joke)! I think I fell ill with angina for the first time in June, I went through it very badly, a week of sleep, a lot of antibiotics. They needed me at work, and I didn’t speak fluent English yet. At first, the doctors didn’t understand me, I didn’t want to cause anyone a problem, but I had to ask for help. That was the first time I felt I was not at home.

13. What does your language skills look like?

English is not difficult for me at the moment. I know I don’t speak perfect and sometimes I don’t understand everything, but honestly I don’t care. The worst is the blockade that everyone has when learning new languages. If you are afraid you will not learn anything. I have the same with Spanish. I understand most of what someone says to me and try to answer! It does not always make sense, but always the other side tries to help, wants to understand me and leads me to the right track. I have a goal by the end of this season to speak fluent Spanish.

14. Do you have a loved one? If so, how did you meet?

I have a person close to me. We met in Magaluf!

15. Did you think about meeting someone in Majorca?

I had no idea! And in particular that I will be able to get along with someone in a foreign language. In general, I never understood how people can relate to people brought up in a different culture. Now I know that Spain is not the end of the world and the Spaniards are not aliens.

16. How do you feel in a mixed relationship?

Now I don’t feel any difference. At the beginning it was a language, and at the moment only basic differences between Poles and Spaniards are visible, such as the time of eating.

17. Work in Magaluf – you work in a mega party area in Majorca. What do you think about this region of Majorca?

I think it is a terrible place to live every day. I think people who live there all year round are falling into depression. Noise, disturbed time of day, drunk people everywhere from all over the world. Not everyone can take it. However, if you are going on vacation and want to turn off everyday life for a week, you will find yourself there perfectly!

18. Work in Magaluf – did you have any unpleasant situations at work?

Sure I did! At the beginning of my work, when I couldn’t speak English well, some abused it by making jokes. I also had a situation when I was attacked by a drunk client. Fortunately, he only managed to draw me to him. Security reacted quickly.

19. Work in Magaluf – have you ever been afraid for yourself in that area? Do you think her safe?

I don’t think it’s a safe place. Practically every night there are fights. Thefts are also common. Alone, when I came there for the first time, I was robbed of a purse containing two phones, two watches and money.

20. Work in Magaluf – did you get any weird offers while looking for a job? Did somebody cheat you?

No, no one has deceived me this year at work or outside. But you must be attentive, demand a contract and always take money on time. If you only see any suspicious behavior of people with whom you have some business, run away!

21. Work in Magaluf – what do you think of tourists there? They are mostly young Englishmen and Germans. Are there many Poles there too? How do they behave?

Tourists! My favorite subject. An extensive book could be published on the behavior of young English people after alcohol. I always laugh that alcohol floods their brain supply and they suddenly become other people. No limits, reason, boys eager for fights and stupid jokes. Sounds normal like in any country, but no, you have to see it! Every Pole, regardless of what he saw in Poland, is surprised by their behavior. Alcohol challenge, making tattoos after alcohol anywhere, e.g. with the face of your ex-girlfriend or some well-known TV presenter no longer impress anyone. And as for Poles, of course I meet them, they are definitely calmer than the English or French, they can have fun.

22. Work in Magaluf – do you party a lot?

Unfortunately, on a day off I dream of sleep, peace and quiet! If I go somewhere, it’s usually not to the place, but to a quiet place with friends.

23. What do you do in your free time in Majorca?

Now, out of season, I have a lot of time for myself. Quite the opposite of the season. I take care of myself, visit new places. I work on my projects.

24. Do you visit a lot during your stay in Majorca?

I didn’t have time for this in the season. Of course, in my free time I try to see as much as possible, but now I’m doing better.

25. Do you think that it is better here in Majorca than in Poland?

Nowhere is better. It is different. Life is slower here, other things are appreciated. Nobody here judges you. People live the moment, enjoy life and trifles. However, in Poland you have more options, more perspectives. Life is more intense.

26. I know that you spend winter in Poland, do you plan to spend the next one in Majorca?

I was in Poland only to do endless things. Did not expect that I would stay here longer. I would like to spend the next winter traveling.

27. How did you hear about my blog?

Leaving, our mutual friend recommended him to me! (Greetings Maja!)

28. Favorite place in Majorca?

Cala del Mago.

29. Favorite eatery in Majorca?

My kitchen!

30. A favorite Majorcan dish?

Paella is always the right choice!

31. Favorite beach in Majorca?

As well Cala del Mago.

32. If you were to recommend something to Majorca, what would you recommend?

Palma on a warm evening, when there are not so many tourists and Cala del Mago!

33. If you were to go on vacation now, where?

French Polynesia, my number one!

34. When you think “good everywhere, but best at home”, where do you mean?

With my family and cats.

35. A bay or a beach?


36. Sea or mountains?

Uncompromising sea.

37. Dogs or cats?


38. Salty or sweet?


39. Polish or Spanish cuisine?


Work in Magaluf seems to be a dream come true for some.

However, you must remember that paying in clubs is associated with sleepless nights and unpleasant situations. Magaluf is a city of events. Sex on the street, piles of rubbish on the beach, balcony – jumping on balconies, thefts, drugs and fights. Every year, the inhabitants of the surrounding area are increasingly outraged by the situation prevailing there. One thing is certain, if you are looking for earnings, easy money and quick employment, then at Magaluf you will definitely find them. There is a possibility of renting a room in several people, which cuts costs, but you have to share the bathroom and kitchen with them. There is dirt there, and on the day off probably hardly anyone is interested in it. The choice is yours!

Social media.

If you need help planning your holiday in Mallorca or have any questions, message me – I’d be happy to advise on what to focus on when planning your trip.
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