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Playa Port des Canonge in Mallorca

Playa Port des Canonge is a very tiny beach, located in a fishing port. You will not find any services here, there is no lifeguard, deck chair rental, or toilets. It is also hard to find restaurants – the closest one you will find is in the town of the same name, which is located right next door. However, what attracts people to this place are beautiful landscapes and crystal clear water, and best of all – fewer tourists. This is all due to the fact that this place is quite hard to reach.

The Playa Port des Canonge is not accessible by bus. The only option is to stop in the town of Banyalbufar and hike, which takes just over an hour in total. However, if you decide to go by car, you can freely park your car near the beach and it’s free. I strongly recommend you bring your swimming shoes and snorkeling masks with you here. The conditions here are ideal for watching the marine life.

What is there to see in the Playa Port des Canonge area?

As I mentioned above, not far away is a small but very charming town – Banyalbufar. Famous for its wines and species of grapes grown here. A little further away are towns such as Valldemossa, or Son Bunyola. You should also consider visiting the Museo de la Granja, which offers not only a museum tour, but also has beautiful gardens and gives the opportunity to taste local wines and products.

Playa Port des Canonge is also characterized by its unusual appearance. The beach is rocky and lies at the foot of the Serra de Tramuntana mountains, which means beautiful and contrasting views. This place used to be used by locals as a parking lot for their boats, which can be easily noticed from the typical Mallorca “fishermen’s houses”. I don’t know about you, but I love such places. I think that they have a soul and are really original. I also think that in such small mountain villages, somewhere out of the way, you can get to know the real, local Mallorca.

What about you? What do you think about this place? Have you ever been in this place, do you recommend it to others or rather discourage them?

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