Weather in Mirador La Trapa

Mirador La Trapa – the most beautiful viewpoints in Mallorca

Mirador La Trapa is one of the most beautiful places in Mallorca! It offers spectacular views of the island of Sa Dragonera and the nearby cliffs and the Mediterranean Sea. Located in the southwestern part of the island, in the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range. It is a viewpoint that attracts tourists with its wild, unattainable atmosphere. From the viewpoint there is an amazing view of Sant Elm, a small fishing village, and Sa Dragonera, a picturesque island that is now a nature park. It is a great place to take pictures, relax and contemplate, or admire the beauty of omnipresent nature.

What is Mirador La Trapa?

La Trapa to historyczne miejsce, które było niegdyś klasztorem trapistów – Monasterio de La Trapa. To niewielka osada w górach, której nazwa stała się symbolem zarówno religijnego, jak i przyrodniczego dziedzictwa Majorki. Trapistów przyciągnęła ta dzika część wyspy w XVIII wieku, gdzie założyli samowystarczalny klasztor. Dziś, choć ruiny budynków pozostały, La Trapa to także popularne miejsce wędrówek i odkrywania historii Majorki.

Why did the Trappists choose the area around Sant Elm for a monastery?

The Trappists were fascinated by places far from the hustle and bustle of the world. Places which were conducive to spiritual reflection, prayer and physical work. La Trapa, located in the heart of the Serra de Tramuntana mountains, was the ideal place to live in silence and solitude. The isolation, difficult terrain and closeness to nature meant that the monks could focus on prayer. Also meditation and the hard work they did on their own crops. Additionally, the location provided protection from threats such as pirate attacks, and the area itself offered natural resources that allowed for a self-sufficient life.

Who are the Trappists and what is their history?

Trappists are members of the Orden Cisterciense de la Estricta Observancia (OCSO), an order that has strived to strictly observe the Cistercian rule since the 16th century.

“Strict observance of the Cistercian rule” means that the Trappists live according to the very rigorous rules. Those rules established by St. Robert of Molesme, who was one of the founders of the Cistercian order. The Cistercian rule is based on simplicity of life, prayer, work and obedience. For the Trappists, the following are particularly important:

  1. Prayer – Trappists spend a large part of their day in prayer, which is prescribed by the rule. Their life is deeply connected to the contemplation of God.
  2. Work – The Order encourages self-sufficiency, so Trappists perform various manual labors, such as cultivating the land, raising animals, and producing food.
  3. Silence – One of the most important elements of Trappist life is silence. They limit conversation to a minimum in order to focus on prayer and work.
  4. Poverty – Trappists live in poverty, do not seek material goods, and live modestly.

Its members live in poverty, silence and isolation. The history of the Trappists dates back to the Middle Ages, but their presence in Majorca began in the 18th century, when they fled persecution in France. They gathered in La Trapa, where they led an ascetic life, basing themselves on agriculture and animal husbandry. Although their stay was short, they left indelible traces, including terraced fields and water cisterns.

How to get to Mirador La Trapa?

To get to Mirador La Trapa, you have to go to Sant Elm. Sant Elm is a small town on the southwest coast of Mallorca. A popular hiking trail starts from Avenida de la Trapa in Sant Elm, which leads through the mountainous terrain to a viewpoint. The trail is called Camí de Can Tomeví and is available on Google Maps:

  • After about 10 minutes from Avenida de la Trapa we reach a fork. We go straight, do not turn left (this leads to Torre de Cala Embasset).
  • We pass the abandoned houses of Can Tomeví (where the name of the trail comes from) and continue.
  • At the next fork we go left, at the sign “La Trapa”, a steep climb begins.
  • On the way we pass a renovated monk’s house with a small viewpoint.
  • With each step the views become more and more beautiful, until finally we see the sea.
  • We reach the entrance to the La Trapa Biological Reserve.
  • After a short climb we reach the monastery and the viewpoint with amazing views of Sa Dragonera.
  • At the end we have a pleasant descent to the entrance to the La Trapa area, with the possibility of leaving a small donation.

Return: I recommend returning by the same route – the return route via a different trail is difficult and dangerous.

The route is around 8 km round trip and takes an average of 3-4 hours to complete. The trail is moderately difficult, with some steep climbs, so it is worth taking suitable hiking shoes and water.

It is worth remembering that the area around La Trapa is wild. There are no shops, toilets or other facilities. All basic needs, such as food, drink and toilet facilities, will need to be stocked up in advance. The nearest shops and services are in Sant Elm, which is the best starting point for the hike. Before you set off on your hike to La Trapa, make sure you have everything you need – water, snacks, suitable clothing and footwear.

Some Interesting Facts about Mirador La Trapa

  • Trappist Monastery Ruins – Still visible in situ, they are a fascinating historical landmark, reminding us of the monks’ former life in this rugged area.
  • Breathtaking views – La Trapa has some of the best views of Sa Dragonera Island and the Mediterranean Sea. It’s a great place to take photos, especially at sunset.
  • Accessibility – Despite being difficult to access, La Trapa is a popular hiking destination, especially for history, nature and photography enthusiasts.

Mirador La Trapa – worth to visit?

Mirador La Trapa is not just a viewpoint. It is also one of those places that can impress with its wildness and peace. The views of Sant Elm and Sa Dragonera are amazing. The route itself gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Mallorca. It is a perfect location for taking photos, resting and contemplating. As well as a great opportunity to feel part of this unique island. If you are planning a visit to Mallorca, be sure to plan a hike to La Trapa – an unforgettable adventure awaits you!

Got questions?

If you need help planning your holiday in Mallorca or have any questions, message me – I’d be happy to advise on what to focus on when planning your trip.
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