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Vacations with a dog in Mallorca.

Vacations with a dog in Mallorca is a big obstacle for some people. I know what I’m talking about myself, as I have two cats and travelling with them would be a huge challenge. In the end, I decided that my pets were better off staying put than taking them on a trip, for their own safety and peace of mind. Cats, however, have a very different nature than dogs. Cats walk their own paths, while dogs are always at their beloved owner’s side and any separation is an unpleasant experience for them. Of course, it is the same for cats, but they tolerate it a bit better.

In this post, I don’t want to focus on where to vacation with your dog or what hotels accept dogs in Mallorca. In this post, I will focus more on what is allowed and what is not allowed. And also I will describe a little bit about the beaches for dogs. However, I will add some information about how to travel with your pet and how to prepare for the journey. If you are curious where to look for accommodation with your pet, look at and select the search option in the filters with a dog! 🙂 So how can a vacation with a dog in Mallorca look like? Vacations with a dog in Mallorca has never been so easy!

Flying a plane with your pet.

When I was figuring out how to transport the kittens by plane, I found out that they have to have a chip implanted, and they have to have the right vaccines. The last vaccine must be injected 2 weeks before departure. Of course, this can all vary depending on where you live. I’m not an expert in this field, I searched for information myself on the Internet, and still I found out the most from the vet. It’s also worth asking him about tranquilizers for your pet.

That’s why I strongly recommend you to go to a vet and ask what’s going on. It is also important that not all airlines agree to take your pet with you. For example, Ryanair does not allow you to travel with your pet. So if you want to fly to Mallorca with your pet, you need to get out of your head cheap airlines. It’s also worth finding out what dimensions of a dog cage the plane accepts, as well as the maximum weight of a dog. I also found out that when buying tickets, you should first call the airline and ask if there is room for your pet on the flight. You may find that the pet limit is already full on a particular plane.

What are the ticket prices for pets?

Here it is difficult to say, because it all depends on the airline again. Usually on the websites of a given airline there are price lists, where everything is listed in tables. In my case the price for one kitten was 60 euro. Here I leave you a link to the blog, where everything is well described:

Dog beaches in Mallorca.

In Mallorca on most beaches is prohibited to bring animals. In front of each beach there is a board with regulations, where the rules are written. Usually appears there is a sign “no dogs”. This is quite a problem for the owners of quadrupeds, because dogs, mostly love to play on the beach. In Mallorca, there are only eight beaches where you can take your dog all year round. These are:
Playa de Es Carnatge (Palma), Cala Blanca (Andratx), Playa de Llenaire (Pollensa), Playa de Na Patana (Santa Margalida), Cala Gamba (Palma), Cala dels Gats (Cala Ratjada), Playa Canina De Punta Marroig (Palma Nova) and a tiny bay in Costa de los Pinos, between Port Verd and Playa de Sa Marjal.

However, much changes in the off-season. It is known that dogs are not welcome on the beach when there is a mass of tourists in the summer. Then there are children, the elderly, disabled or simply intolerant of dogs. You can not get along with everyone, but the animals run up to others, they want to play and do not care if they splash on someone or dirty a towel. Even worse – they eat food from the backpack of a tourist instead of the owner. Not to mention the need to relieve themselves.

What beaches can you take your dog to in the low season in Mallorca?

And here we have a big plus, because in low season. From October until April (inclusive), on many beaches is allowed to let the dog. Then on Mallorca are empties, for many people sunbathing and swimming in the water is not an option because it gets colder. Then on the beaches enter the happy four-leggeds. However, it is important to clean up after them. If our pet pees on the sand, we should pour water on it. If he poops, we have to collect it in a bag and throw it away in a proper garbage can. On some beaches, the dog must be on a leash, while on other beaches it can be let loose with respect for others.

Returning to the dog pooping – here I must also mention that in Mallorca in the street is also an obligation to clean up after your dog. We are talking about both physiological needs. Pet owners carry a bottle of water and bags tied to the collar or to the leash of the dog. Remember to clean up after your pets!

Back to the topic of beaches, NOT ALL BEACHES allow dogs to play on the beach after the season. In the areas of: Andratx, Pollensa, Capdepera dogs can play on the beach from October to April, while in the Alcudia area only from November to the end of February. These data change from year to year, and in fact, the best way to find out the latest regulations in the local town halls (ayuntamiento). In all other municipalities in Mallorca, dogs are banned from the beach all year round. The truth is, however, that in the off-season dogs on the beach is a whole lot and few people pay attention to whether it is allowed in a particular place or not. Everyone is responsible for himself, so I recommend you to obey the law.

Winter with your dog in Mallorca.

As you can see above, it’s hard to get accurate information on this topic in Mallorca. For example, I live in the town of Peguera, which belongs to the municipality of Calvia. In the post I did not describe how the situation looks like in this place. I wrote only that in other, not mentioned by me, areas on Mallorca is a ban on dogs on the beach throughout the year. However, when I go to the beach in low season, I see a lot of dogs on the beach. This doesn’t bother me at all and I find it downright cute. There is a “no dogs” sign on the rules board. Do the police driving by the boardwalk pay attention to this? Not so much. So what is it like in the end? Not sure…

I also read many articles that made it clear that the police do not actually have the right to fine anyone for taking their dog to the beach. As in many cases, the fine can always be challenged and sought to be overturned in court. The law in this case is very inconsistent. I also once heard that a dog is prohibited on the beach, but not on the rocks. So it seems that you can take your dog to the beach, as long as it does not spread out on the beach itself, but on the side rocks. However, this is unconfirmed information.

Once again, I would recommend that anyone interested ask their office/ratio (ayuntamiento) if your municipality allows you to take your dog to the beach during the low season. This will avoid any problems. I hope that I have clarified the situation a little, and you know more or less whether a vacation with a dog in Mallorca is a good idea. What is your opinion on this subject? Do you think that dogs should be allowed on every beach in low season (October-April)? I hope Your vacations with a dog in Mallorca will be an easy one!

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